Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tulsa Aquarium

This Sunday, Mark had the fun idea of loading up and heading to go to the Tulsa Aquarium! Dyer LOOOOVED the aquarium in the Bahamas, so we thought it would be a fun treat to take him again. He even started saying "fish" in the Bahamas before we had even taught it to boy! So, of course this little trip was full of "fish, fish, fish" and "Neno" aka Nemo (which he has never even seen).

Dyer & Mark in the shark tank.

Then, they went into the shark tunnel, which was super cool. The sharks were really big!

Checking out the stingrays...

Who knew they would have beavers at the aquarium?? They also had an otter and a raccoon, but I didn't get pictures of them.


Here, I tried to show him something in these little "petting" pools. All was going well until something went IN HIS MOUTH y'all. I am pretty sure that it was just water (praise the maker) but that was the end of the trip to the aquarium.

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